Most smartphones have QR or quick response codes. We all know they are used for a variety of purposes from providing download links to web site or video links. Many of us also use it to send our BlackBerry PIN or other contact details.

Can it be used as a security feature? Yes, but we will need the help of the Government. It works like this:

Autorickshaws in Bangalore display the driver's details, so that we can inform the authorities if something goes wrong. (Autorickshaws in Chennai will also have it).

Now, you must have a pen and paper with you and must have a steady hand to note down the details. It may take a long time depending on your knowledge of the language. You must also ensure you make no mistake while copying the details. And how far will you be able to do it, especially when you are not in a position to do it?

It is here that QR codes can come in handy. The card with the details of the autorickshaw (or even taxis) and the driver must also have a QR code with all the details, and the Government must specify a number to which the QR code has to be sent to ensure prompt action. This will elimnate the cumbersome method of noting down details and then calling a number to complain.

QR codes can also be put outside the vehicles so that we can scan and store it before entering the vehicle. Even if you are not a passenger, you can scan the code if the vehicle is involved in a crime.

Do you think this is feasible? Or can QR codes be used in any other way to increase security in vehicles? Please use the comments section below to air your views.