West Bengal Industry Minister, Amit Mitra’s “senile” dig on Ratan Tata, evoked sharp response from industry.

The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (Assocham) felt the remark was “uncalled for” and would not improve the image of West Bengal before the global audience.

“Ratan Tata is a highly admired industrialist across the world. The West Bengal Industry Minister should have avoided such remarks,” an Assocham spokesperson told Business Line.

The apex chamber felt Mitra should focus on industrialisation of the state to snub its critics.

On Wednesday Chairman Emeritus of Tata Group questioned the industrial growth in West Bengal.

Responding to that Mitra this morning referred Tata as “senile”. "Onar matibhrom hoyche...", he told reporters in Bengal. If translated into English it means  He has become senile.