Hiring activity in the country remained stable in March this year over the previous month and saw 12 per cent increase over the same period last year, says a report by job portal Naukri.com.

The Naukri Job Speak Index for March stood at 1,475, showing stability in hiring activity, when compared to the previous month.

Yearly comparison shows a 12 per cent increase in hiring activity in March over the corresponding period last year, the report said.

“The job market continues to improve steadily. Hiring activity is beginning to look up beyond sectors like IT.

However, for hiring to pick up substantially we will have to wait for uncertainty around the elections to clear a bit,” Hitesh Oberoi, Managing Director and CEO, Info Edge (India) Ltd, the company that owns Naukri.com, said.

Industry-wise activity

Industry-wise, sentiment was muted across all sectors except pharma, which saw growth, with the index moving up by eight per cent month-on-month.

The index for IT sector grew four per cent in March 2014 over the previous month. However, banking, finance, insurance, media, entertainment and capital goods sectors saw decline in hiring activity.

Among the metros, Kolkata witnessed maximum improvement in hiring with the index moving up by 14 per cent. Chennai saw no growth during this period. Mumbai and Delhi saw a decline in hiring.

City-wise, Pune saw an increase in hiring with the index moving up by 9 per cent in March over the previous month.

Demand for professionals

The demand for professionals working in production and maintenance saw maximum increase with the index moving up by 8 per cent.

However, demand for professionals working in banking, insurance, sales and development sector witnessed decline.