Qatar Airways has begun the roll out of QLOUD, an internally-developed mobility application for iPads, which will provide real time and decision-relevant information to its pilots.

More than 500 pilots have already embraced the new technology with 500 more set to begin using QLOUD over the next few weeks. All 2,500 Qatar Airways pilots are expected to be using the QLOUD system by September this year, the company said in a statement.

“We are continually investing in mobile technology as a means to provide our workforce with real-time information, when required,” said Qatar Airways Chief Executive Officer Akbar Al Baker.

Qatar Airways has been using mobility technology in its various business functions for over three years ensuring its workforce is able to retrieve decision-relevant information in real time. This, in turn, would improve operational efficiency and enhance customer service.

QLOUD allows pilots to check-in for duty and retrieve important pre-flight information such as their schedules, flight plans, maps, weather information, details of the crew they are flying with, hotel and destination information and dispatch briefs. This information is accessed at a time and place of their convenience ahead of the flight departure.