Credit Information Bureau India Ltd (CIBIL), India’s leader in credit information, has appointed Satish Pillai as its new Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer on Thursday.

Pillai succeeds Arun Thukral who retires this year after a decade.

Satish Pillai has been serving CIBIL in the capacity of Chief Operating Officer for more than four years where he was responsible for product development and bureau operations. Earlier, Pillai led TransUnion’s operations in India overlooking the creation of the solutions team that supported generic and custom analytics and decisioning technologies, including the launch of the CIBIL TransUnion Score- India’s first generic scoring model, CIBIL said in a statement.

Pillai said, “A growing and thriving middle class is the key to a strong and vibrant economy for India. CIBIL’s commitment is to be the underlying credit infrastructure to this growth, enabling faster and cheaper access to credit by accelerating our investment in solutions across retail and commercial lending and partner in the national momentum of helping drive higher financial literacy, inclusion and protection. We are also working closely with the Reserve Bank of India and other Regulators to make the credit information infrastructure even more comprehensive and enhance our content to better serve the needs of our customers.”

CIBIL, India’s largest credit information bureau, maintains credit information on more than 406 million consumer accounts and 22 million business accounts and has a membership base of over 1400 banks and credit institutions.