Suzlon Group today announced the completion of type testing and certification of its S111 turbine for 50 Hz and 60 Hz variants, which acknowledges its conformity with the set norms.

“The testing was carried out by an accredited independent third party testing agency, and the certification was awarded by T NORD,” Suzlon said in a press release.

This certification acknowledges conformity with the standards and regulations for the design, testing and manufacturing of S111. It also meets the Indian Grid Regulations.

Suzlon has more than 7,350 MW of installed capacity of the 2.1 MW class turbines globally.

The S111, belonging to the reliable and proven 2.1 MW family, has been designed to ensure highest safety while offering lowest lifecycle cost that helps drive down the cost of energy for customers, the company said.

It features a rotor diameter of 111.8 meters with a swept area of more than 9,500 square meters, making it one of the highest yielding wind turbines in its class.

The S111 delivered approximately 102 per cent of its design power curve, translating to higher than projected power generation, and improved returns for customers.