Kolkata-based McNroe Consumer Products, owners of the Wild Stone brand, is looking to consolidate its presence in the men’s deodorant market through new fragrances.

Wild Stone is the second largest brand in the ₹2,500-crore men’s deo market in India. The brand offers perfumes, talcum powders and soaps.

McNroe recently launched its tenth variant, Wild Stone Grey, targeting office-goers.

According to Sanjoy Sen, Chief Operating Officer, more launches are lined up in the aerosol-based deo category. The idea, is to create occasion specific offerings, such as mild fragrances for office-goers; stronger ones for party-goers and so on.

Under consideration

Wild Stone is also mulling an entry into “gas-less” deo varieties.

Typically, a gas-less deodorant refers to one which is not aerosol spray-based. As a result, they do not vaporise easily and fragrances linger longer. Vini Cosmetics’ Fogg, that leads the men’s deo market space, has only gas-less varieties. “We would like to consolidate our position through new variants and entry into new product categories,” Sen told BusinessLine . However, he did not reveal the new categories that the company was looking to foray into.


Sen said the company is targeting a revenue of around ₹350 crore, with Wild Stone alone accounting for ₹300 crore this fiscal. In FY-14, it reported a turnover of approximately ₹250 crore.

The other brands from McNroe’s stable include ‘Secret Temptations’ (women’s fragrance brand), ‘Heaven’s Garden’ in the family personal care segment and ‘Deeva’ – a West Bengal specific offering for sindoor and bindis .

New areas

According to Sen, the company is also looking to strengthen it’s presence in South Indian and untapped rural areas in East, North and West India.

By the end of this fiscal the brand hopes to be present in 1,800 plus areas. Rural India accounts for 30 per cent talcum powder and soap sales; and 10 per cent in deodorants. Wild Stone will enter rural markets with smaller 75ml value-pack deos priced below ₹100. The company is also looking to grow its talcum powder portfolio as a strategy to target rural areas. Two new fragrances are expected to be launched soon.