The intensified low-pressure area located over Telangana and adjoining Vidarbha and south Chhattisgarh could likely extend the tyranny of torrential rain for a couple of days, if not more.

The ‘low’ is apparently slow in its lateral movement to the west-northwest, a track it is widely believed to follow, which explains the outlook for continued heavy rainfall.

Worst affected

The areas likely to be worst affected areas during the weekend would be Telangana, Konkan and Goa (including Mumbai), Madhya Maharashtra, Marathwada and coastal Karnataka.

Heavy rain is also forecast for north interior Karnataka, Vidarbha, coastal Andhra Pradesh, and even parts of North-Eastern India, right into early next week.

This comes on the back of the heavy downpour recorded during the last 24 hours, ending Friday morning, in coastal Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, north interior Karnataka and Konkan and Goa.

Meanwhile, an extended range weather forecast for the next fortnight (ending October 6) said above-normal rain is likely in most regions except parts of the North-West.

More rain forecast

The forecast by the India Met Department (IMD), Indian Council of Agricultural Research and Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture indicated that rains, though less intense, may continue into early October.

The last week of the current month (September 23-29) itself would see rains from an existing ‘low’ drive above-normal monsoon rainfall over most regions.

The second week (September 30-October 6) is expected to witness normal rain over most parts of India.

The detailed region-wise forecast for the first week is as follows: Normal or above normal rainfall should occur over Bihar, Jharkhand, Bengal, Sikkim, Odisha, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram, Tripura, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka and Kerala.

Improved record

Normal or above normal rainfall is likely in either of the next two weeks over Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Punjab, Haryana and Delhi, Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu. But below-normal rainfall is forecast for Jammu & Kashmir during this period.

This is an improvement over the preceding fortnight (September 8 to 21), when below-normal rainfall occurred also over Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana and Delhi, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, the plains of Bengal, Assam & Meghalaya, East Madhya Pradesh, South Interior Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu.

No rainfall occurred during the first week of the last fortnight in West Rajasthan either. But the forecast for the week from September 30 to October 6 indicated that both East and West Rajasthan might receive above-normal rainfall.

It will be normal over Punjab, Haryana & Chandigarh, Delhi and West Uttar Pradesh.