The South-West monsoon, which arrived late by about eight days this year, has delivered a 11 per cent deficit rainfall for the month of June across the country. The country as a whole received 145.4 mm rainfall in June, about 11 per cent lower than the normal of 163.6 mm for the period, according to the data from Indian Metrological Department (IMD).

About 24 of the 36 metrological sub-divisions, accounting for 63 per cent of the area the country have received normal-to-excess rains. The rainfall was deficient in about 10 sub-divisions, which formed 31 per cent of the area, while two sub-divisions had received scanty rains. The South Peninsula has received 26 per cent excess rains, while the rainfall has been deficit in Central India by 17 per cent, North West India by 7 per cent and East and North-East India by 28 per cent.

June, the first of the four month rainy season, normally accounts for 18.4 per cent of the long period average of 886.9 mm rainfall that the country receives.