Raw Pressery, the country’s first juice-maker using cold-pressed technology, plans to expand its product portfolio and open more outlets in India and West Asia in the next one year.

The Mumbai-based clean label start-up, that raised ₹44 crore so far, will soon include fibre-rich smoothies, coconut water and protein-rich and non-dairy nut milk in its product portfolio that currently has nine fruit juices and six vegetable juices, Anuj Rakyan, Founder-Managing Director, told BusinessLine .

Capital infusion Only cold-pressed juices come in 100 per cent pure juice format, all other processed juices have 10-99 per cent of fruit or vegetable juices as content, the remaining ingredients being added from outside.

The Raw Pressery brand, which is targeting revenues of $100 million (₹670 crore) in the next five years, had recently secured a Series B round of funding of $4.5 million (₹30 crore) from three equal partners – Sequoia, Saama Capital and DSG Partners. This was a follow-up to the first round led by Sequoia in February 2015.

With fresh capital infusion, Raw Pressery plans to expand product offerings from juices to smoothies, scale up operations, boost CAGR by four times, and enter general trade by next year.

It also plans to ramp up distribution by enhancing presence at 1,600 points of sale against the existing 30 points. The company will also move its production to a new facility with a manufacturing capacity of 1.50 lakh litres of juices per day, established at Panvel near Mumbai at an investment of ₹12 crore which, he said, was Asia’s largest in this segment.

The Raw Pressery products, currently available across seven major cities, will reach new customers in eight more cities by the year-end.

In 2017, it will also reach West Asia, he said.

These products, manufactured with high-pressure cold processing, without involvement of heating, retain natural nutritional values and taste.

These juices are free of any added colour, sugar, artificial additives, water, chemicals or preservatives which are used to extend shelf-life.

“Our products are 100% fresh and pure with a shelf-life of 21 days.”

Incorporated as a part of Rakyan Beverages in 2013, Raw Pressery stemmed out Rakyan’s personal need for consuming a healthy beverage and led to the conceptualisation of a juice that balances nutrition and flavour.

He said cold-pressed juices are rich in anti-oxidants, low in fat, boost immunity and help purify the blood.

The cold pressurisation process preserves essential enzymes and nutrients.

An investment banker at Morgan Stanley, Rakyan moved to brand consulting at FutureBrand, New York, and to diamond jewellery industry, before finding his calling in food and beverages industry.

India’s organised juice market size is about ₹5,000 crore, with Real brand being the market leader, followed by Tropicana.