Companies focused on energy efficiency solutions globally raised more than $1.2 billion last year with the major chunk coming from venture capital funding activities, says a report.

Data compiled by Mercom Capital Group, a global clean energy communications and consulting firm, shows that energy efficiency companies worldwide mopped up $797 million through 80 deals last year.

“Lighting technology companies received the most funding in the energy efficiency sector with $315 million,” it said in a report.

Besides, energy efficiency companies raised $410 million by way of debt and public market financings.

Globally, these entities have mopped up a little over $1.2 billion in 2014.

According to Mercom, there were 26 M&A transactions last year in the energy efficiency segment.

The top venture capital deal was that of US-based View raising $100 million, followed by Taiwan’s Lextar Electronics that received $83 million.

Meanwhile, Mercom said companies engaged in the storage/ battery space got about $418 million last year by way of venture capital funds.

According to Mercom, global venture capital funding into smart grid technology companies stood at $383 million in 73 deals in 2014.

“Total corporate funding, including debt and public market financing, came to $844 million in 2014,” it said.