Finance Minister Arun Jaitley will table the Economic Survey 2016-17. Three ordinances are also to be promulgated today — The Enemy Property (Amendment and Validation) Fifth Ordinance 2016, The Payment of Wages (Ordinance) 2016, and The Specified Bank Notes (Cessation of Liabilities) Ordinance 2016.

On Monday, a day before the start of the session, the Congress brought out a document reporting the "state of the economy".

“A day before the Economic Survey, we thought we should bring out a document that sets out what we consider as a dose of realism, so that the country as a whole has ways and means of finding or assessing where the economy is...,” Dr. Manmohan Singh said.

The Trinamool Congress announced on Monday that the party would boycott the Parliament on Budget day.

Elaborating on the decision, TMC’s chief whip in the Lok Sabha Kalyan Banerjee said the decision has been taken on "two counts" — in protest against demonetisation and the "illegal arrest of its Lok Sabha leader" Sudip Bandhopadhyay and MP Tapas Paul.