India has asked the US to give inputs on the draft Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) policy which has been put up on the government’s Web site for comments.

“We have invited the Americans to look at the draft policy (on IPR) and give their inputs. We will then see what we can do with it,” Commerce and Industry Minister Nirmala Sitharaman told the media after her meeting with the US Commerce Secretary, Penny Pritzker, on Tuesday.

Pritzker is a part of US President Barack Obama’s official delegation's India visit.

The US has been asking India to tighten its IPR norms and better implement the existing laws. The draft IPR policy has been prepared by a think-tank, headed by Justice Prabha Sridevan, which has highlighted the anomalies in the present IPR policy and adviced the government on possible solutions.

The two sides also talked about identifying sectors to get more investments from US investors. “We have decided to set up a group of officials from both sides after the Budget session which will identify sectors where priority investments can come in,” Sitharaman said.