Bengaluru-based regional airline Air Pegasus hopes to be back in the air by November 15.

In a four-page communication to the Directorate-General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) earlier this month, the airline said it hopes to bring in an ATR 72-500 aircraft by then.

In the communication, the airline listed out of the problems it had faced, including the issue of a leasing company first agreeing to a deferred system of payment for the lease rentals according to which Air Pegasus was to pay a certain amount as lump-sum and the remaining in instalments. However, the leasing company went back on the agreement, the communication said.

The airline also listed the various issues that it had faced with the Indian authorities, including its Air Operators Permit getting delayed, which forced its aircraft to sit idle.

DGCA show-cause

The DGCA had issued a show-cause notice to the airline asking why its airline licence should not suspended as there had been a degradation in its capability as its three aircraft were grounded and some pilots had also left..

“If it is proved that there has been a degradation of the capability of the airline then it is violating of its licence conditions,” a senior DGCA official said.

The airline stopped operations in September after leasing companies decided to take back their aircraft given to the airline for non-payment of lease charges.