Even as the Narendra Modi Government has hinted at restructuring of UPA’s rural job scheme – MGNREGA – a new report by International Labour Organisation (ILO) has lauded the role played by the scheme in improving the lot of the rural poor.

In its latest “World Of Work Report”, the ILO, while pointing out that three out for four workers in South Asia, including India, were in vulnerable jobs, with women bearing the maximum brunt, said due to MGNREGA urban migrant workers who lost export-oriented jobs after the global financial crisis, were able to rely on stable wage income among their families back home.

In a country like India, where there is no social protection for workers, “the continued functioning of the MGNREGA ensured the survival of the rural population by providing an additional source of income for those who had previously relied on remittances from urban migrant workers,” it said.

The report said schemes such as MGNREGA, Brazil’s Bolsa Familia and Child Support Grant in South Africa contribute to promoting human development.

The report, which studied 140 developing countries, also noted the rise in the number of migrants, pointing out that lack of quality jobs was a key determinant of migration, especially among educated youth in developing countries.

The total number of migrants has risen by 57 million since 2000 and 19 per cent of this increase occurred within the past three years, it said.