During 2014-15 the National Bank for Agricultural and Rural Development (Nabard) disbursed Rs 19,600 crore under the Rural Infrastructure Development Fund, which provides loans for rural infrastructure projects to State Governments.

This takes the total figure to Rs 1,66,000 crore since its inception in 1995.

“Nearly one-fifth of rural infrastructure in India is on account of RIDF. Projects under RIDF have brought 254 lakh hectares under assured irrigation, laid 4 lakh km of rural roads, erected 9.50 lakh metres of rural ridges, established godowns with over 100 lakh mt capacity, and created non-recurring employment of over 11 billion man-days,” Dr Harsh Kumar Bhanwala, Chairman, Nabard said.

During the year, Nabard collaborated with several State Governments in its role of a “pollinator of ideas”.

In Telangana, it supported a flagship programme ‘Mission Kakatiya’ for renovation of 1,621 irrigation tanks with de-silting and lining of tanks with RIDF assistance of Rs 360.25 crore. These tanks, which are in a gradient, are inter-linked, which means as a tank becomes full, water would move to the next tank. This chain of tanks was created during the rule of the Kakatiya dynasty [11 to 14 century] and was in dis-use.

In Gujarat, Nabard sanctioned Rs 1,000 crore to GCMMF (Amul) to support the short-term credit requirement of their affiliated district milk unions. An amount of Rs 1,519 crore was sanctioned to the Government for construction sub-minors, being the last mile connectivity in providing water for irrigation purposes from the Sardar Sarovar Project. The project, which consists of an underground pipeline without any need for acquiring any land for the purpose, is likely to benefit 8.78 lakh ha.

In Punjab, Nabard sanctioned project assistance of Rs 73.20 crore for establishment of 18 Primary Rural Rehabilitation Centres (PRRCs) in 18 major centres to help de-addiction of rural youth PRRCs in 17 districts of the state.

Karnataka saw the creation of warehouse capacity with Nabard having sanctioned proposals worth Rs 1,003 crore to government corporations for creating additional storage capacity of about 16 LMT capacity under the Warehousing Infrastructure Fund (WIF) Scheme 2014-15.