Kerala will be the first State in India to roll out the modified direct benefit transfer of LPG (DBTL) scheme in all the 14 districts from Saturday.

Murali Srinivasan, General Manager, Indian Oil Corporation and the State-level coordinator for oil industry, said that more than 90 per cent of LPG consumers in Wayanad and Pathanamthitta districts have already linked their Aadhar cards for LPG subsidies.

However, only 60 per cent of consumers have done it in Thiruvananthapuram district and Idukki has the lowest figure at 53 per cent . The total number of LPG consumers in Kerala is 75.20 lakh, he said.

Srinivasan, who was here to launch the revised DBTL scheme on Friday, told reporters that 54 districts in 11 States will be covered in the first phase tomorrow benefitting 2.33 crore households, while rest of the country will be covered by January 1, 2015.

To a question, he said around 9,000 customers in the country, including 700 in Kerala, have voluntarily given up the LPG subsidy, a saving of ₹5.31 crore for the government.