Background verification firm BetterPlace, which works towards improving the safety landscape of India, has roped in former Google India Head Lalitesh Katragadda as its Executive Board member and an investor.

With the newest addition to its team of technocrats, platform developers and other technology intensive experts, BetterPlace plans to bring transparency and credible information at the fingertips of citizens to address the growing trust deficit within the country, the company said in a statement.

Known as the man behind Google Maps, Lalitesh is an alumnus of the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, and holds a PhD in Robotics from the Carnegie Mellon University.

He was previously associated with Google for over ten years and was heading its India operations before moving onto different ventures.

Lalitesh is currently serving as an advisor to the Central and Andhra Pradesh governments on several projects related to redesigning fibre grids in order to make high-bandwidth internet available to all at affordable prices.

Pravin Agarwala, Co-founder & CEO, BetterPlace, said “BetterPlace was created as a response to the rapidly deteriorating safety landscape in the country with a view of addressing the ever-expanding trust deficit by offering safety as a service (SaaS). With Lalitesh on the board, we are confident that his invaluable experience and innovative thought process will help us improve upon our present offerings and guide our future strategies to bolster the safety quotient across the country.”

Lalitesh added, “One thing that is fairly obvious to every Indian today is the dearth of trust we place in our fellow citizens owing to the high crime incidence rate. Joining BetterPlace gives me a much-valued opportunity to contribute to the society and help address the deteriorating safety conditions.”

Lalitesh will look to integrate his extensive technological knowledge with BetterPlace’s disruptive digital technologies, innovative data analytics and application tools to ‘SafePower’ every Indian Citizen. BetterPlace will be aiming to harness Lalitesh’s extensive technological knowledge and practical, on-hand expertise in order to develop complex large scale tech-driven safety solutions.