A smart solution backed up by convergence of latest technologies for ‘bridging information vacuum in fleet management.'

This is the offering from Ideas & Innovation Squared Technologies (ii-2) based here, founded by young techies who left their MNC jobs to converge and innovate.


ii-2 is headquartered in Australia, and has a development centre here. iTAC, its fleet management solution, has been getting increasing acceptance.

“In the last few months the company has seen a tremendous growth in its subscriber base,” says Mr Pradeep Kumar, marketing and sales head, ii-2.

“From a few hundreds to 12,000,” Mr Kumar told Business Line. Growth assisted by a fast expanding network of partners.

iTAC packs the power of technologies ranging from GPS, GPRS, CDMA, RFID to smart sensors, says Mr Rohith Raveendranath, founder and chief technology officer of the company.


It addresses the four main concerns of a fleet owner - safety, savings, security and convenience. ii-2 has developed a proprietary model called FIQ (fleet intelligence quotient) to benchmark fleet management and assess performance.

It enables tracking of savings (in fuel and other overheads), safety, security and convenience factors in a quantifiable manner on a daily basis.

iTAC is customised for different verticals like educational institutions, fishing fleets, logistics providers, tours and taxi operators and bus and truck operators.

It tracks unsafe practices like over-speeding, rash driving; and harsh braking. It also alerts the school authorities of emergencies such as accidents.


It enables tangible savings in fuel consumption through theft prevention as well as promotion of proficient driving habits.

Savings are also achieved through ‘service-due' alerts and model workshop implementation, route optimisation and reduced carbon emission.
