Copra arrivals are likely to be lower until the onset of Monsoon in view of demand for tender coconuts. Currently, copra arrivals are

Tamil Nadu and Kerala are reporting lower arrivals of copra in view of the demand for tender coconut.

This is despite the current period being a season for its arrival, said Prakash B. Rao, Vice-President, Cochin Oil Merchants Association (COMA), said.

Besides, shortage of coconut is also being reported from many parts of Kerala and Tamil Nadu.

This could have an effect on prices in the long run, he said.

Currently, copra prices are ruling at Rs 4,600 a quintal in Kerala and Rs 4,500 in Tamil Nadu, he said.

Rao said that the declining trend in other edible oils has not made any impact in coconut oil prices. The reason being low liquidity compared to other major edible oils.

Prices for coconut oil in Kerala were Rs 63 a kg, while in Tamil Nadu, they were Rs 60.

Rao said that prices in both these States are more or less steady in the last few weeks. Edible oils such as palm oil and palm kernel prices are ruling at Rs 52 and Rs 55 respectively.

Thalath Mahamood, former President, COMA, pointed out that the market is showing a steady line at lower levels.

However, the power restrictions in Tamil Nadu and Kerala have affected crushing operations of oil mills, which may impact the prices in the long run.

In spite of low prices, there is no demand from upcountry buyers for coconut oil.

This is particularly because of the cheaper availability of other imported oils, Bharat N. Khona, former Board Member, COMA, said.