The undercurrent remained weak in edible oils market on Tuesday tracking bearish futures amid slack physical demand. On the Bombay Commodity Exchange, except palmolein which declined by ₹2 per 10 kg, all other edible oils ruled unchanged. Higher selling pressure kept the morale weak, said sources. Stockists bought about 100-150 tonnes of palmolein at ₹617-618 taking advantage of lower prices. Liberty traded palmolein ex Shapur at ₹650, super palmolein ₹670. At Rajkot, groundnut oil telia tin rose to ₹1,430 (1,420) and loose (10 kg) to ₹900 (890). BCE spot rates (₹/10 kg): groundnut oil 930 (930), soya ref. 720 (720), sunflower exp. ref. 658 (658), sunflower ref. 713 (713), rapeseed ref. 790 (790), rapeseed exp. ref. 760 (760), cottonseed ref. 700 (700) and palmolein 624 (626).