Indian importers are alleged to have booked large quantities of 500 GL pepper under the guise of pepper pinheads at ₹2,000-2,500 a tonne to be shipped out of Vietnam soon. The wide gap between the domestic price and the international price and the rise in import cost following weakening of the rupee is said to have prompted importers to resort to such a step. Apprehending its arrival in large quantity in the domestic market, growers and dealers have urged all the government authorities concerned to keep vigil on the pepper being imported into the country. There was no arrival of pepper at the terminal market on Wednesday. Resellers were selling at ₹710-715 a kg. Spot prices shot up further by ₹1,500 to ₹69,000 (ungarbled) and ₹71,000 (garbled) a quintal. Export prices, despite rise in spot prices, declined following weakening of the rupee against the dollar to $12,300 c&f for Europe and $12,550 a tonne c&f for the US. GK Nair