RSS 4 improved to ₹130 (₹128) a kg, according to traders. The daily reference price was ₹139.80 (₹138.25) as quoted by the Rubber Board. The grade firmed up mainly on covering purchases at lower levels while the tyre makers continued to stay back in a comparatively dull trading session.

The trend was mixed. February futures improved to ₹123.60 (₹123.13), March to ₹125.33 (₹124.64)on the National Multi Commodity Exchange.

(RSS 3 (spot) firmed up to ₹116.49 (₹115.21) at Bangkok. February futures closed at ¥219.1 (₹114.64) on the Tokyo Commodity Exchange. Spot rubber rates (₹/kg): RSS-4: 130(128); RSS-5: 111 (112); Ungraded: 100 (100); ISNR 20: 107 (107) and Latex 60%: 82 (82).