Edible oils ruled high on the rise in import duty by 25 per cent to 40 per cent on Friday late evening. In Mumbai, with limited activities, groundnut, rapeseed, cotton and palmolein rose by ₹10, ₹5, ₹5 and ₹3 per 10 kg each. The volume remained limited as majority of the stockists preferred to get the delivery of advance commitments they had made. At Rajkot, groundnut oil telia tin lost ₹20 to ₹1,330 and loose (10 kg) by ₹10 to 830. In Indore mandis, soya refined rose to ₹722-25 for 10 kg (up ₹33 from last week), while soya solvent rose to ₹690-95 (655-58). Soyabean also ruled higher at ₹2,800 a quintal (up ₹100 from last week). Plant deliveries of soyabean were also higher at ₹2,810-50 a quintal. Soyameal fetched ₹22,000 a quintal.