Downtrend continued in pulses and pulse seeds on sluggish demand with masur (bold) declining to ₹5,950, while masur (Madhya Pradesh) was quoted at ₹5,600. Masur dal (medium) was being quoted at ₹6,700-6,800, while masur dal (bold) ruled at ₹6,900-7,000.

Moong and its dal also declined with arrival outstripping demand. Moong (bold) went for ₹4,800-5,300, while moong (medium) ruled at ₹4,200-4,600. Moong prices have crashed below its minimum support price.

Given enthusiastic crop report, increased availability of imported crop and arrival of new moong in the coming days, bearish sentiment is expected to continue.

Urad (bold) declined to ₹9,000 (down ₹1,000 from last week), while urad (medium) ruled at ₹8,000. Urad dal (medium) went for ₹10,800-11,600, urad dal (bold) at ₹11,700-12,500, while urad mongar declined to ₹12,400-600.