Spot pepper prices ruled steady on Friday on matching demand and supply. However, selling pressure continued from Karnataka and Kerala’s High Ranges, market sources told BusinessLine. On the other hand, domestic buyers were also slow as they were busy to close their books before March 31. Consequently, the demand is slow. On the terminal market, 110 tonnes were traded. Of these, 80 tonnes were from Karnataka while the rest from the High Ranges. Supplies from the plains have dried up. Spot prices remained unchanged at ₹54,000 (ungarbled) and ₹57,000 (garbled) a quintal. On the IPSTA platform, April and May contracts fell by ₹1,000 a quintal and closed at ₹57,008 and ₹57,015 respectively. Export prices were at $9,225 a tonne c&f for April shipments for Europe and $9,525 for the US.