Spot rubber closed unchanged as the market lost the initial gains on buyer resistance . RSS 4 finished flat at ₹124 a kg according to traders. The grade improved to ₹123.50 (123) and ₹120.50 (120) respectively, according to the Rubber Board and dealers. July futures weakened to ₹125.98 (127.31), August to ₹129.41 (131.34) and September to ₹127.57 (129.63) on NMCE. RSS 3 (spot) firmed up to ₹110.22 (109.50) at Bangkok. July futures improved to ₹114.78(112.19) on TOCOM. Spot rubber rates (₹/kg) follow: RSS-4: 124 (124); RSS-5: 121 (121); ISNR 20: 114 (114) and Latex (60% drc): 93 (93).