Physical rubber prices were unchanged on Monday. The daily reference price for RSS 4 was quoted at ₹126.70 (₹125.35) a kg by the Rubber Board. The grade closed steady at ₹121, according to traders. February futures declined to ₹119.02 (₹120.90), March to ₹119.99 (₹121.63) and April to ₹121.17 (₹123) on the National Multi Commodity Exchange. RSS 3 (spot) inched up to ₹105.58 (₹105.17) at Bangkok. February futures closed at ¥195.3 (₹101.74) on the Tokyo Commodity Exchange. Spot rubber rates (₹/kg): RSS-4: 121 (121); RSS-5: 112 (112); Ungraded: 103 (103); ISNR 20: 106 (106) and Latex 60%: 78 (78).