Sugar production in the current season till mid-March stood at 19.38 million tonnes (mt), about eight per cent lower than corresponding period last year.

According to the Indian Sugar Mills Association, about 428 factories were still crushing sugarcane as against 362 in corresponding last year. As per latest estimates, ISMA expects sugar output to be 5 per cent lower this year at 23.8 mt against last year's output of 25.1 mt.

In Maharashtra, the country's largest sugar producing state, the sweetener output so far stood at 6.41 mt with a recovery of 11.2 per cent. In the corresponding last year, sugar production in Maharashtra stood at 7.23 mt. About 117 factories were still operational in Maharashtra against 97 in the corresponding last year.

In Uttar Pradesh, sugar output has touched 5.07 mt, about 8 lakh tonnes lower than corresponding last year. About 115 mills are still under operation against 113, during same period last year.

Sugar production in Karnataka is slated to be 8 per cent higher this year at 3.45 mt and 51 factories in the state were still crushing cane.

ISMA estimates that about 6 lakh tonnes of raw sugar has been exported in the current season till end-February. So far raw sugar output stood at 1.1 mt.

Total sugar exports in the current season including the whites is estimated at 1.12 mt.