Thousands of devotees heading for the hill shrine of Lord Venkateswara were badly hit today as the vehicular traffic came to a halt yesterday following the 48-hour strike called by anti-Telangana protesters.

Hundreds of protesters reached Alipiri, the foot of the hills, and blocked the entrance of the hill routes leading to the shrine by staging a sit-in, temple sources told PTI.

All vehicles, including state-owned transport corporation buses, could not ply, affecting the pilgrims.

However, keeping in mind the annual Brahmotsavam festival commencing tomorrow, protesters wound up their sit-in at dusk and paved the way for restoration of traffic.

Meanwhile, all commercial establishments, including petrol pumps were closed in entire Chitoor district.

It was learnt, that hundreds of vehicles with devotees proceeding to Tirupati from Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra returned in view of the protests.