A new educational institution — Auronya College — was recently launched in Puducherry. With a focus on defining education through the conduit of technology, or ‘Education 4.0’, it is headed by renowned educationistsAbhaya Kumar Jain, Founding Executive Chairman, Auronya, and Indira J Parikh, Founding Chairperson, Auronya. The logo of the college was launched at a recent event in Chennai.

The curriculum is inclusive and not only stresses what is taught but also the nuances of how information is presented to students. This education model will help develop an individualised curriculum that will define how youngsters process the overload of information they deal with every day.

The college will have six departments — Design & Sciences; Humanities & Art; Business & Economics; Social Sciences; Research & Intelligence; and Media and Communication.

In addition, a one-year Post-Graduate Diploma Programme in New Age Management & Leadership (PGDNAML), called Antariksh, will begin in October this year.

Speaking at the launch, Abhaya Kumar Jain, Founding Executive Chairman, Auronya, said: “Auronya College aims to align the education system with the fourth industrial revolution by redesigning the 20th century model to meet the real-time needs of a technology-driven and fast-changing 21st century.”