In their first summit, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President Barack Obama today pledged to push the bilateral relationship to “new levels”, resolve issues blocking implementation of the civil nuclear deal and cooperate in counter terrorism.

During their hour-long discussions, which covered a broad range of issues including economic cooperation, trade and investment, Modi raised the demand for easier access to Indian services in the US.

After the two countries reached an agreement on extending their defence cooperation for ten more years, the Prime Minister invited American companies to participate in Indian defence manufacturing sector.

The discussions, the first formal meeting between the two leaders spread over delegation and restricted levels, covered terrorism in South Asia and emerging threats in West Asia.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi said: “I am happy that we are meeting here just a few days after the India US missions reached Mars at the same time. After the India-US summit on the Mars we are meeting on earth.

I requested Obama to take steps to facilitate easier access to services in the US. We are committed to taking forward the civil nuclear cooperation agreement. We are serious about resolution of issues to enable civil nuclear energy cooperation to take off.

We discussed emerging terrorism challenges in South Asia and new threats of terrorism in West Asia and beyond. We intensify cooperation in counter terrorism and intelligence.”

The Prime Minister has invited Obama and family to visit India.