Cyclone ‘Nada’ weakened into a deep depression by noon Thursday and should have weakened to a depression before crossing the north Tamil Nadu coast to the south of Cuddalore on Friday morning.

The India Meteorological Department has forecast light to moderate rainfall at most places in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry with isolated heavy to very heavy rainfall on Friday.

Rain alert Saturday will witness rainfall at many places with isolated heavy rain over Tamil Nadu and Puducherry. Light to moderate rainfall has been forecast at many places in Kerala with isolated heavy rain on Friday and Saturday.

Squally winds with speeds reaching 45-55 km/hr and gusting to 65 km/hr will prevail along and off the Tamil Nadu and Puducherry coasts until Friday.

Sea conditions will be rough to very rough along and off the Tamil Nadu and Puducherry coasts during this period. Fishermen have been advised not to venture into the sea along and off these coasts on Friday. The IMD has said that while there will be fairly widespread rains in most parts of coastal Tamil Nadu, there may not be a torrential downpour as witnessed this time last year.

Stronger successor After ‘Nada’ passes, the field will be left open for what is currently forecast to be a much bigger storm in the Bay of Bengal with a projected track that may extend to the Andhra Pradesh coast.

The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts expects the storm to take shape as a low-pressure area around the Andaman and Nicobar islands as early as this Sunday and duly gathering in strength.

It is shown as acquiring cyclonic strength over East-Central Bay of Bengal and moving in a west-northwest direction toward the Andhra Pradesh coast.

The Global Forecast System model of the US National Centre for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) also sees a strong cyclone sitting bang over the coast of Andhra Pradesh around December 8.

Landfall over southern AP The US Navy Global Environmental Model (Navgem) concurs with the general attributes about the impending storm, but points to a more southerly location on the coast for the landfall of this system.

According to its outlook, landfall is likely to happen over south coastal Andhra Pradesh, at a place to the north of Chennai, by December 8.

After the landfall, the weakened storm is forecast to drive north-northeast along the Odisha and adjoining Bengal coast before dissipating completely.

Meanwhile, the NCEP observed that the first week of December (1-8) might see widespread but not heavy rainfall over most of the interior of the South Peninsula.