In view of the possibility of oil spill in the sea near Gujarat coast due to heavy traffic of ships, the State Forest and Environment department has decided to prepare a risk mitigation and response plan to save the fragile eco-system and underwater habitat of marine species.

According to officials, a high-level committee will be formed to study the risk potential of oil spill, which can be a major ecological disaster for marine life, and come up with a comprehensive plan suggesting ways to avoid such disasters.

Contingency plan

“Our aim is to save the marine life and their habitat. If oil gets spilled in the sea near our coast, it will spell doom for marine life. Thus, we have decided to chalk out a plan to stop such accidents from happening as well as to prepare a contingency plan if in case such a oil spill takes place,” said Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forest (Wildlife) SC Pant.

More than 5,000 ships loaded with various material, including crude oil, arrive at various ports in Gujarat every year.

While some of the major ports, such as Kandla and Mundra, are situated in the Gulf of Kutch, others like Dahej and Hazira are situated in the Gulf of Khambhat.

A recent resolution passed by Forest department has alarmed that heavy movement of ships carrying petroleum products pose a risk of oil spill, which would adversely affect marine ecology and species such as mangroves, corals, whale shark, dugongs, dolphins etc.

As per the official website of Forest department, over 90 per cent of mangroves of Gujarat are found in the Gulf of Kutch, mainly on the coast of Kutch and Jamnagar.

It further states that mangroves function as a stabiliser of sediment on shoreline and protect coast from storm and salty wind. They are important nursery grounds for fish, prawn and variety of marine creatures.

In addition, mangrove forests in the Gulf of Kutch are important nesting areas for resident water birds as thousands of nests were counted in the Gulf during summer.