Union Science and Technology Minister S. Jaipal Reddy said on Friday that the Centre’s allocation for the science and technology and earth sciences ministry has been doubled for the 12th Plan period.

Addressing the inauguration ceremony of ‘Children Science Congress’ as part of the 100th Indian Science Congress here, Reddy said, “In the 12th Five-Year Plan, the combined planned allocation for science and technology and earth sciences has been nearly doubled from Rs 33,000 crore in the previous Plan period.”

Commenting on the newly announced Science, Technology and Innovation Policy, the Minister said the policy would emphasise on the importance of greater innovation.

According to him, there is a need for integrating science, research and innovation to develop valuable technologies.

“We have also initiated a PM Doctoral Research Fellowship in partnership with industry. Already 30 (such) fellowships have been awarded to doctoral students,” Reddy added.

He pointed out that India’s dynamic, developed and diversified industrial and services sectors have been built on the strength of its techno-entrepreneurial talents.

“The country today has over 700 R&D, technical and development centres of the top global companies, employing over 1.5 lakh scientists and engineers. This confidence of global majors in our youth has given fillip to some of India’s best and talented young technocrats to become first generation technopreneurs,” Reddy said.
