Sports and games fans are increasingly translating their enthusiasm for the upcoming 35th National Games in Kerala into ‘likes’ on its official Facebook page.

The ‘likes’ have crossed a lakh in a matter of six months at and counting, a spokesperson for the National Games Organising Committee said here.

The page went live on June 26 with updates of news and pictures related to the National Games, interactive online quizzes, puzzles, news related to sporting heroes as well as various disciplines of the Games.

It logs in an impressive 10,000 views on special occasions like ace cricketer and brand ambassador Sachin Tendulkar meeting with Ammu, the Games Mascot. Most viewers are from outside of the State, even from abroad.

The page undergoes constant updating in sync with the official website of the National Games.

With just eight weeks left for the whistle, organizers expect the page to become livelier with additional inputs and updates.