IIT Delhi is gearing up for its annual Alumni Day scheduled on 28th December. The event will be organised in collaboration with IIT Delhi Alumni Association (IITDAA). This year's theme of the event is ‘Envision the Future Together’.

Alumni Day is celebrated by all IITDAA chapters across the world on the same day in sync with the main event held at IIT Delhi.

Alumni Day will comprise fun-filled events throughout the day, networking and serious discussions on how to strengthen the institute and make it one of the world’s best altars of technology. More than 1000 alumni and faculty along with their family members are expected to participate in the event.

“After last year’s success, we are sure that this mix of fun, fundas, food and friends will make it a day to cherish for alumni and their families," Ashok Kumar, President of IIT Delhi Alumni Association, said in a press statement. "We are thrilled to invite the entire alumni community from across the globe and wish to make this event a grand success.”