Sidharth Birla makes a credible and sensible case in ‘Needlessly maligning business’ (April 23). Private enterprises too have aa significant role to play in realising the true potential of the country. Painting the entire community in negative terms is unfair. There are black sheep in every sphere of life. Swift judgment and punitive action are needed.

CG Kuriakose

Kothamangalam, Kerala

The problem with the Indian mindset is that we see corporates as anti-people. When our government’s finances are not that great, how can we grow without private investment? We shouldn't forget that the job opportunities the private sector creates can never be compared with the public sector. Unfortunately, when the Prime Minister tries to make ‘Make in India’ a reality in order to bring investments into the country, he is seen to be hand in glove with corporates. With CSR investment becoming compulsory, the private sector is doing its bit to create jobs.

Bal Govind

Noida, Uttar Pradesh

Force Pakistan’s hand

This refers to the article, ‘Crime and no punishment’ by G Parthasarathy (April 23). The author has well articulated Pakistan’s involvement in the perpetration of terror in India and its unwillingness to act on valuable evidence against perpetrators. When the State is party to terror, one cannot expect anything better. As rightly pointed out, the international community must join together and force Pakistan to act. If no action is taken, India must use its diplomatic resources to force the US for a meaningful trial in the US.

S Kalyanasundaram


Stop the amendment

I was shocked to read that the Cabinet has approved an amendment to the Negotiable Instruments Act to reverse the decision of the Supreme Court. If Parliament passes the amendment, it will only help crony capitalism. Small and medium borrowers will be severely affected. Consider the harassment caused by lenders (not banks) to borrowers/payees from whom post-dated and undated cheques are taken, and deposited at the lender’s place.

When a case is filed, borrowers and payees have to travel to the lender’s place to attend court proceedings. In order to remove this undue harassment, the Supreme Court, last year, directed that such cases should be filed at the place where the cheque originates. Now the government is trying to reverse this judgment.

BK Mohanty


Sec 138 of the NI Act deals with cheques being dishonoured for “insufficient funds”. In some cases the drawer, in collusion with the bank, alters the cheque when it is presented to the paying bank. The cheque is returned with a memo saying “alteration require drawers authentication”. In such a case, the bank has to mention both reasons regarding alteration and availability of funds. It is always better to keep a photocopy of the cheque before presenting it. The jurisdiction of the court trying the case must be always the place where the payee has deposited the cheque for payment.

Sreedhara Murthy BN

Hospet, Karnataka

Surprising membership

A few weeks ago I received an sms message t from the BJP confirming my membership and welcoming me to the party. This was surprising, as I have not applied through any medium, online or offline, for membership. I had received messages prior to this, soliciting membership, but I simply deleted them. Perhaps the party should order a forensic audit and publish the report to clear misgivings in the minds of public.

KR Nayak


Hear the farmers

The suicide of a farmer from Rajasthan during the AAP’s rally in the presence of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal is shocking to say the least. . The manner in which Kejriwal went ahead with the rally after the unfortunate incident only displays his insensitivity. The BJP and the Congress also showed themselves in poor light by indulging in a blame game and trying to extract political mileage out of the situation.

NJ Ravi Chander


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