Name of the company : Clean India Ventures

Set up in: 2015

Based in: New Delhi

Founder: Alok Gupta

Funding received: Self funded

What it does: Works in the field of waste to compost. It creates multiple by-products from different types of waste. For example, it creates organic havansamagri (ritual fire offerings) from flower waste, therefore giving it back to the temples for further use.

How it does it: Through the Green Waste Reprocessor (GWR), a machine that can up-cycle green waste into organic compost, which in turn can be utilised as a finished product for various purposes. It also has two other variants: The ‘Vegetable Mandi Waste Unit’ that processes vegetable market rejects to produce organic compost and the ‘Temple Waste Unit’ thatrecycles flowers for temple use.

Big moment: Company got listed on the Swachh Bharat website and on the Ministry of Drinking Water & Sanitation’s technology section.

Impact: The popularity of GWR is on the rise. Its machines have been installed at several places including the Nigambodh Ghat, New Delhi, Mayo College, Ajmer, Rose Garden for Municipal Corporation, Faridabad, Mamun Military Station, Pathankot and Crowne Plaza, Jaipur.

Vision : Going forward, the start-up will install 40 to 50 GWR machines in hotels, temples, institutions and societies in the next three months. The ultimate aim is to create landfill free cities.