The key points from the Adobe Summit that the 10,000 odd digital professionals took back home were:

Re-imagine your businesses as experience-creators: Powerful experiences begin with great content that forces people to take action. The velocity with which businesses need to deliver this content has to be accelerated. Great experiences are also powered by data, and finding a pattern in the data. And technology provides the tools for marketers to become experience creators.

Devices don’t buy products, people do: This was the insight that led Adobe to launch an open platform — the Device Co-op, which will allow marketers to change the context of analytics from “device” to “person.”

According to data, the way people operate is that 33 per cent of screen time is simultaneous use of TV and a digital device; 40 per cent of people who start a journey on one device finish it on another; and 60 per cent of adults use at least two screens per day.

Storytelling opens up: Hollywood actor George Clooney may frown at the perils that Twitter poses but feels that social media has led to improved storytelling. New media such as Netflix have opened up more avenues for storytelling, changing the form of storytelling too. Films can be delivered over 10 episodes, for instance. You can deliver short videos, longer films over the web.

As more avenues and platforms open up and filmmaking software is democratised, anybody can make a film too. “It’s great for our industry. There is five times more work in the entertainment industry than there was five years ago,” says Clooney.

It’s in the bag: Tired of those long queues at the billing counter? According to consulting major Capgemini, in-store shoppers waste 39 billion hours a year waiting in queue at the billing counter. Well, technology has found a way out to skip those lines and pay through your shopping bag.

At the Store of the Future, a retail concept showcased during the Adobe Summit in Las Vegas, the highlight was a connected smart shopping bag created by Adobe, Capgemini Consulting and a start-up called Twyst.

When a customer places the items she has bought inside the bag, an RFID reader scans the stuff and adds it to the online shopping cart on the shopper’s connected device and creates a bill. The customer can pay for the stuff through a mobile app.

With the smart bag that’s a lot of productive time saved.