The Indian Premier League (IPL) is making beer companies richer as sales during the tournament have grown 14 per cent.

“Demand for beer will skyrocket during the IPL, simply because avid cricket fans love to drink beer while watching the game,” said Ms Sunitha Barlota, Research Analyst, Euromonitor International.

According to Euromonitor, the per capita consumption of beer has increased from 1.4 litres a person in 2010 to 1.6 litres a person in 2011, a jump of 14 per cent, and one of the major factors of this surge in growth is IPL.

“IPL happens during the beer drinking season. When it is peak summer, beer consumption goes up,” said Mr Samar Singh Sheikhawat, Senior Vice President Marketing, United Breweries Ltd.

An official with the Karnataka State Beverages Corporation Ltd said the primary reasons are higher disposable income and the rising temperatures. He pointed out that there was a 60 per cent increase in beer sales in March (27.43 lakh cases) compared with the previous month.

But no matter whom you choose to believe, one thing is sure, IPL is big for beer companies.

Said Mr Sheikhawat, “We spend around 20 per cent of our marketing budget on IPL, which is more than what we spend on the than Champions Trophy.”

While UB is not the only team pushing its products with IPL, even foreign liquor makers like Pernod Ricard, are using this as a platform to promote non-beer drinks such as Royal Stag whisky.
