In a charity-initiative turned retail-venture, Piramal Healthcare is set to roll-out fruit-based children's perfumes.

Packaged in animal figurine bottles, the natural perfumes include fragrances such as green apple, chocolate and orange. Bundling the concept of gifting and charity, the perfumes are slated for launch this May.

“Every time you buy a perfume, part of the money goes to support the mid-day meal scheme the company supports,” Dr Swati Piramal, Director, Piramal Healthcare, explained. The perfumes target children between four and 12 years, and “the medical knowledge helped,” in ensuring that the fragrance is safe for children, she added.

The perfumes will be promoted as an over-the-counter product of Piramal Healthcare, Dr Piramal told Business Line , as the distribution network is already available. However, she added, it was “too small a venture” to absorb the Rs 17,000 crore that came in from the sale of Piramal Healthcare's domestic formulations business to Abbott, last year.


The bottle designs are in the process of being patented, said Dr Piramal, also involved with the development of the fragrances.

The bottles are shaped like a dog, cat, owl and penguin, and “we went mad doing a dog (shape) on a medical line,” she quipped.

In fact, Piramal Glass (earlier dedicated to making pharmaceutical bottles) now also supplies bottles to premium cosmetic and perfume makers, and will support the in-house perfume venture as well.

Gift and charity

The in-house perfume venture had started to support the mid-day meal scheme that Piramal Foundation was involved with in Mumbai.

The children's perfume was called “Joyful Glass and Guest,” and priced at Rs 750 for 750 ml.

The branding and price will change in the new retail format, Dr Piramal said, without divulging details. The concept was that, more people could contribute to charity, even as they bought a gift, she said.

In fact, in 2006, a similar concept was spearheaded at Davos, on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum by Irish rock-star Bono.

He launched the global brand “Product Red” with corporates including clothing-chain GAP, Nike-owned Converse and designer Giorgio Armani.

With different products including credit cards, sun-glasses, t-shirts and footwear branded ‘Red,' money from the sale of these products got channelled into funds for AIDS, TB and malaria.