Tata Global Beverages Ltd has renewed its Tata Tea Web site www.jaagore.com as a part of the ‘Jaago Re’ campaign. The site provides information on social issues relevant to citizens. The new Web site reflects the company’s continued efforts to awaken individuals and inspire them to be the change that they wish to see around them.

“The campaign has been bringing issues such as corruption into the national consciousness. Very often information and the tools of democracy are not understood well and therefore not utilised. While we do realise the importance of awakening to issues that the nation is facing, we feel that it is equally important to have easy access to information in order to empower people to make a difference,” said Vikram Grover, Head Marketing, South Asia, TGBL.

Starting with ‘Know Your Police’ in the first cycle, the portal will focus on new topics every quarter and touch upon various subjects such as how to file an RTI, registering to vote and women’s empowerment.