At Tidel Park, the IT building in Chennai, a group of around 100 software professionals, mostly from tier-2 and tier-3 towns working with the start-up Nila Apps, are helping martial arts schools in the US operate seamlessly.

The Customer Relationship Management platform solution that Nila Apps built for the US-based MyStudio - a registration and communication tool - has enabled over 500 martial arts schools to set up apps on this platform.

Anita Selwyn, Managing Director, Nila Apps, a boutique mobile app development company, said the Software as a Service (SaaS) based platform MyStudio help schools maintain students’ record digitally. In addition, yoga, dance and gymnastics centres are using the platform. The entire maintenance of MyStudio in the background is being done out of Chennai, she told businesssline.

“We work with small businesses to build custom apps for different markets and industries while maintaining the entire app. It is plug-and-play for the customers and requires no coding, and the user can configure their app using a Web-based Wizard,” she said. During Covid, the platform enabled live online classes in the case of online being preferred to offline sessions, she told businessline.

“The mobile apps developed by us are used by 1.7 million end users who have processed over 7 million payment transactions. Over 7,000 businesses depend on the software developed by us to manage their business needs such as CRM solution, order management system or point of sale system,” she said.

MyStudio allows seamless registration for events, enrolment of students in classes, management of students’ rank progression and sale of merchandise through multiple points of sales avenues. Its easy-to-use pages streamlined the registration processes, said a testimonial by Sara, Co Owner Health, Wellness and Fitness, US.

Nila has also developed Payil, a learning management platform that makes it easy to manage academies. It makes continuous assessments and monitoring student and instructor performance easier. Instructors can set up their content and assessments easily and schedule frequent evaluations, said Selwyn.