E-commerce major Flipkart has launched ‘Flipkart Green’, a virtual store offering sustainable products to attract customers looking to adopt a sustainable lifestyle.

Flipkart Green aims to provide access to information and better availability of globally certified sustainable brands and products. To begin with, fashion, beauty and makeup, grooming, healthcare, food, home, and lifestyle products are being made available from over 40 brands. 

The store will further expand to include products from other categories, including healthcare, food, sports and fitness, toys, stationery, electronics, and appliances as well. 

Amitesh Jha, Senior Vice President, Category and Marketplace at Flipkart said, “At Flipkart, we view sustainability as a holistic approach that encompasses the environment, individuals, and society. Through the ‘Flipkart Green’ Sustainability Store, we aim to create a sustainable, equitable and a more inclusive e-commerce ecosystem.” 

The company said, in recent years, there has been a sharp rise in customers rethinking the impact of their consumption on the health of the planet as well as their own health. With customers adopting sustainable products such as bamboo toothbrushes, reusable grocery bags and water bottles and dishcloths to name a few, the ‘Flipkart Green’ Store aims to bring shoppers one step closer to having easy access to such products.

Through this inititaitve, the platform aspires to bring about a positive impact and create shared value for the community and the planet. “This step will inspire thoughtful purchase decisions while being informative, consumer-first, and environmentally conscious,” the company added.