Hatsun Agro Product Ltd has acquired Hyderabad-based Jyothi Dairy Private Ltd for an undisclosed amount.

The Chennai-based company intends to expand its business in Andhra Pradesh with this acquisition, according to a press release.

R.G. Chandramogan, Managing Director of HAPL, said it will help us in expanding our business operations in Andhra Pradesh.

T. Balaji, Managing Director of Jyothi Dairy, said that the experience of HAPL will help in expansion and better utilisation of the existing infrastructure.

Jyothi Dairy, established in 1992 with a turnover of around Rs 100 crore, has operations throughout Andhra Pradesh with production facilities in Hyderabad and Chittoor and milk collection facilities at 10 different locations.

It is one of the popular brands and also has extensive procurement network across Andhra Pradesh.

Hatsun Agro Product Ltd is India’s largest private sector company in the dairy industry. It has dairies in 10 locations. The company exports dairy products to 38 countries. Its products include ice-creams (Ibaco chain of ice-cream parlours), milk sold under Arokya brand and Hatsun curds.
