The Clean energy arm of Hindustan Power has commissioned its second solar power plant in Punjab at an investment of Rs 325 crores today. The commissioning of the 50 MW solar plant increases the cumulative solar capacity of the company in Punjab to 80 MWs.

The Project was awarded by the Punjab Energy Development Agency on Bidding Route and the PPA has been signed with Punjab State Power Corporation Limited (PSPCL).

The high degree of solar insolation in the state is enabling a generation of 2,20,000 units per day.

Chairman at Hindustan Power, Ratul Puri said, “We were able to invest Rs 525 crore and quickly ramp up the cumulative capacity of the company in Punjab to 80 MW over last 9 months. Our plan is to commission incrementally 200 MW in Punjab in the next 18 -24 months.”