India Inc achieved a major milestone, crossing $100 billion in brand valuation, according to the brand-valuation firm, Interbrand. This is a significant increase of nearly 167 per cent from the past decade. 

According to the report, India’s largest IT company, Tata Consultancy Services, had the largest brand value of all Indian firms. The IT services company was valued at approximately $13 billion. Reliance Industries followed with an approximate brand valuation of $7.8 billion. 

The report noted that this year marks a historic moment, as the top 3 positions of brand valuations are inhabited by technology companies — TCS, Reliance Industries, and Infosys. 

The top 10 companies by brand value, cumulatively, have more than 50 per cent of India Inc’s total brand valuation. “The total brand value of the top ten brands, amounting to ₹4,949,920 million, exceeds the combined value of the remaining 40 brands on the list, which amounts to ₹3,360,137 million,” said the report. 

According to the report, the FMCG sector demonstrates a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 25 per cent, followed by home building & infrastructure at 17 per cent and technology at 14 per cent.

Ashish Mishra, CEO, Interbrand India and South Asia, said: “This year’s Best Indian Brands event highlights the remarkable concentration of brand value among the top three and top five brands, demonstrating their strong impact on the overall landscape. It is an extraordinary moment to witness the ascent of technology brands, securing prominent positions in the top five after a decade. The exceptional performance of the top 10 brands, particularly in the brand strength factors of direction, coherence, and trust, underscores their strategic focus and ability to build lasting connections.”