Jindal Stainless Limited’s (JSL) total sales volume for FY22 stood at 10,11,292 tonnes, up 23 per cent over FY21. During Q4 FY22, its sales volume stood at 2,69,168 tonnes, an uptick of 9 per cent q-o-q and 6 per cent y-o-y.

The rise in sales volume was backed by its supply chain and a flexible product mix with a focus on value added offerings, the company said in a statement.

Despite volatility and global disruptions in raw material supply and logistics, JSL upped exports; exports as a share of total sales doubled to 32 per cent in Q4 FY22 from 16 per cent reported in Q4 FY21.

The domestic market continued to be marred by cheap stainless steel imports from China and Indonesia during the quarter, the company statement added.

Domestic demand increased in segments like lifts and elevators, and railways. But demand in consumer facing segments like hollow-ware and pipe and tubes “remained muted due to channel de-stocking and also because of an increase in raw material prices”.