Success is sweet. Recognitions and accolades make it even better. The euphoria clearly evident on the face of each recipient of the ‘Emerging Entrepreneur’ awards reinforced this view.

The CII Regional Emerging Entrepreneur Awards in association with BusinessLine were presented to six entrepreneurs from across a range of sectors.

“You have done a great job, but not just for yourself. You have done a great job for the nation,” said Pratap C Reddy, Chairman, Apollo Hospitals Enterprise, and chief guest at the awards ceremony.

“If you have that will, and if you have that grit, there is nothing that cannot be challenged and there is nothing that cannot be achieved,” he told the audience at the fifth edition of the awards. Think differently, think what is required at any situation and time and execute with perseverance. That’s the formula for successful entrepreneurship, Reddy said, citing his own journey to entrepreneurship.

He said in any sector, including healthcare, entrepreneurs should bring in “ideation”, an alternative to routine processes and a system that save costs and increase efficiency.

Reddy recalled that as the first corporate and professionally-run healthcare system, Apollo Hospitals had focussed on delivering cost effective and world-class treatment. Over three decades ago, a cardiac bypass cost over $50,000 but today it is done for just about $3,000 and the success rate is over 99 per cent and matches the best in the world, he said. Patients from over 120 countries come to India for treatment now.

India faces a challenge in tackling non-communicable diseases, Reddy said, adding that countries such as the UK have set a goal to do away with such diseases through effective screening. The country needs such guidelines and it is the entrepreneurs who can help address such issues through novel ideas, he said.

CK Ranganathan, co-chairman, CII Innovation and Entrepreneurship Council, said CII is working on an ecosystem that will spur entrepreneurship. Enterprises start out as an idea and grow when given the proper environment.

The award winners were selected from over 270 nominations from across the southern States, of whom 30 were shortlisted. The parameters included idea, execution, future outlook, profitability and CSR initiative.